e-Mental Health For Anxiety and Depression

e-Mental Health For Anxiety and Depression

In the modern digital world, e-mental health is growing in popularity and evidence suggests it can be a highly effective for some people suffering from anxiety, depression and other mental health disorders.

What is e-mental health?

This is a term used to described online applications or websites that can be accessed remotely and which provide a means to practise proven psychological treatment methods such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) without having to see a health practitioner such as a psychologist. It may improve access to treatment options for those living in rural or remote areas, or provide a cost-effective alternative to seeing a psychologist.

The following website beacon.anu.edu.au/categories provides an evidence-based rating system for proven e-mental health modalities for various mental health conditions. Some of these are completely free, and others may incur a small fee.

It should be noted that e-mental health is not for everyone, and it should be reserved for mild to moderate mental illness. People suffering from more severe symptoms may require additional or more advanced modes of therapy. For all people suffering from mental illness or symptoms, it is recommended to talk to your doctor first about suitable treatment options.

For e-mental health resources go to: https://beacon.anu.edu.au/categories