3 steps to read nutrition labels and eat healthier

3 steps to read nutrition labels and eat healthier

Step 1: Consider the number of Calories per 100g

The most accurate way to compare different food items is to consider the number of Calories per 100g of food product. When it comes to weight management, considering foods with less calories per 100g will help you to choose foods that are lower in caloric content. Strawberries for example have around one third of the calorie content of bananas weight for weight (33 kcal per 100g, vs 89kcal per 100g for bananas!)

Step 2: Choose foods with lower saturated fat and sugar content per 100g

On the nutrition label, look at the rows for 'saturated fat' and 'sugar' and choose foods that have lower saturated fat and sugar content. Saturated fats and sugars can add to weight gain, raise cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Step 3: Fill your trolley with nutritious foods!

Comparing labels is one thing, but filling your trolley with the right food types is another. To ensure the right foods end up on your plate, make sure to fill two thirds of your trolley with fruit and vegetables, and choose more lean meats such as fish.